Sunday, December 27, 2009

Back to my list for 2009

Okay so I decided to try CatholicMatch dating website to see if any intersting people were on there this spring/summer. I did meet a couple of men. The first we will call Lawnmower Man. We met I think it was in March or April. He was nice enough, a little too much of a meat head, but I thought that maybe if we had a good enough of a connection it would not matter. So we went out a couple of times and had fun. And he was in to me immediately. Which for some reason made me really uncomfortable. I knew it just wasn't right for me when driving to the North side of Ankeny seemed like forever and I just never wanted to do it. But, in thinking I need to give people a fair chance I let it go on for a month or so. He tells me this story about how his temper is so bad that he beat up a lawnmower with a bat because it would not start.............WHAT?? Not only did he beat up a lawnmower but went through not one, but two, yes two, weed eaters because when they would not work right so he bashed them against a tree.

But of course I did not take this as a red flag and run far far away. Oh, no, I have to wait it out and see what happens. Even though I'm not wanting to make any effort to see this man and when I do, I'm thinking about ways to get home or for him to just go away. So the ending point was we were in Hy-Vee one time and I had to pick up a couple of things and handed him a gallon of milk to carry for him and he had a literal fit because it was not his trip to the grocery store. I suppose I should have asked but I thought he would be willing to carry it for me since I had to get a couple of other things. This escalated into this dumb fight and that was it and it was over......or so I thought.

A week later or maybe a couple of days later he was walking up my driveway, apparently he was parked down the street waiting for me to come home so we could talk. Freaked me out and I asked him very politely to leave, which he did after saying what he had to say. I cannot remember what it was as I just was trying to get him to go away.

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